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A New Way to Curb the Rise of Oversized Pickups and SUVs (bloomberg.com)
3 points by walterbell on May 27, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

~20 years ago, the Honda "del Sol" was legal to sell, and got 50MPG. Today you can't sell a car like that in the USA, because we changed the laws.

Perhaps (I know this is a radical idea but bear with) we could change those laws back? Maybe even go further and accept lightweight non-"car" tuktuks and such?

I wonder how many residents and political workers are genuinely concerned as opposed to prissily annoyed by the eyesore of these “gas guzzling behemoths”.

The taxing is cumulative punishment for the workers who actually do need these trucks.

Why not both?

Until a few years ago cars where easily classified: Some were driven by professionals and I could see over the roofs of the others, at least if I stood on my pedals. Not any more. Now there's a class of cars that are driven by unpredictable amateurs and are tall enough obscure my field of vision. I find that both concerning and annoying.

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