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The unintended consequences of Covid-19 vaccine policy [pdf] (bmj.com)
9 points by agomez314 on May 26, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

"Contributors: KLB wrote the original draft. All authors contributed substantially to the development, revision and finalisation of the manuscript."

Who is this mysterious KLB? It's a company apparently.

Is it not the lead author - Kevin Bardosh?

I suspect if Covid was, oh, twice as lethal and lockdowns and the like were done like, oh, half as often that people would be criticizing the casual approach. It's all well and good to look at Omicron in late 2021 and say that the lockdown in 2020 was harsh, but then, who was filling those reefer trucks? And delta, as I recall, was doing just fine stacking bodies before Omicron came and out-competed it.

People just hate being inconvenienced, and those in government are probably resigned to "always doing the wrong thing". But I'm ok with things that keep people alive...

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