I've seen people erect light duty 60' towers suitable for the wind load of one 60cm ptp microwave dish for a link to a local wisp, can be $2500-4500 all in including shipping, foundation, concrete work, etc.
That’s all fine and dandy; I’m happily on the west coast again instead. Happy it didn’t work out! That amount of uncertainty when buying a home and working from is not for me.
Only if the fiber provider is in the same area doing a build to serve at minimum a few hundred other homes at roughly the same time. Some people who live in rural areas where they would need a 60-80 ft tower for wisp cpe or starlink may be in a place so far from existing ISP fiber that a new build purely aerial fiber construction project could run $300,000.
It's perfectly possible to do FTTH builds for 30-40 homes at a cost of $30-40k. Just make sure you know what you're doing and avoid getting fleeced by engineering consulting firms and high margin construction companies.