> In fact, I wonder if this sort of technology could reduce the harm caused by people with an interest in disgusting images, because no one needs to be harmed for a realistic image to be created. I am creeping myself out with this line of thinking, but it seems like one potential beneficial - albeit disturbing - outcome.
Interesting idea, but is there any evidence that e.g. consuming disturbing images makes people less likely to act out on disturbing urges? Far from catharsis, I'd imagine consumption of such material to increase one's appetite and likelihood of fulfilling their desires in real life rather than to decrease it.
Interesting idea, but is there any evidence that e.g. consuming disturbing images makes people less likely to act out on disturbing urges? Far from catharsis, I'd imagine consumption of such material to increase one's appetite and likelihood of fulfilling their desires in real life rather than to decrease it.
I suppose it might be hard to measure.