>is Web3 a real danger to the currently existing web
Are cryptocurrencies a real danger to regular currencies? Are NFTs a real danger to tangible items? Are DAOs a real danger to actual corporations? I'd answer all of those questions with a hard NO.
Cryptocurrencies will obviously be forgotten, especially in their current iteration.
But the climate and energy impact is not that easy to set aside. The article itself mentions one of the many consequences could be flooding the termination points for underwater sea fiber. So while web3 isn't a threat to the web itself by superseeding it, it's a threat to its existence (and a whole lot of other existences).
I don't know what you all are so terrified of, but the false narrative is just silly. I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve, but fiat has continued to dominate the currency of choice for the black market and crypto's illegal transaction volume may even be declining, not increasing
I'm not "terrified" of cryptocurrency. No, I won't buy guns or child porn with it, but probably drugs. And that's a good thing.
>I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve
I achieved exactly what I attempted: to reply to the parent[0] of my comment with my thoughts.
Do you suspect that I have some nefarious goal to destroy blockchains/cryptocurrencies through tongue-in-cheek replies on HN? If so, that seems a little paranoid. But I don't judge.
I'd recommend finding a healthier hobby than making sarcastic comments that could easily be interpreted as an attempt to defraud crypto holders as gun, child porn and drug buyers. How would you like it if you invested in some new asset class and alongside serious accusations of enabling child porn support, people frequently made 'tongue-in-cheek' comments about you supporting (indirectly or otherwise) child porn with your investment?
I get it, this is just a deep thread with a one-off comment, not the biggest deal, but it's certainly annoying trying to attempt honest conversation about crypto with comments like this.
>How would you like it if you invested in some new asset class and alongside serious accusations of enabling child porn support, people frequently made 'tongue-in-cheek' comments about you supporting (indirectly or otherwise) child porn with your investment?
But those are documented use cases for cryptocurrency. If you don't approve of such things, so be it. It doesn't invalidate other uses (hodling, etc.) for cryptocurrency (in this particular case, Bitcoin).
>I get it, this is just a deep thread with a one-off comment, not the biggest deal, but it's certainly annoying trying to attempt honest conversation about crypto with comments like this.
Now I'm confused. Firstly, this was (I thought) a thread about the (non)uses of Web3, not cryptocurrencies or blockchains in general.
I'm sorry my assessment of the consumer uses of Bitcoin rankles you. That said, Bitcoin is used for some "unsavory" stuff isn't news, nor is it (as you pointed out) specific to Bitcoin.
Please do carry on, as it's your best bet to counter my evil plot to destroy Crypto/blockchain with occasional HN comments, in my grand plan for world domination.
If those infrequent (primarily because this isn't a primary interest of mine) comments are so hurtful/dangerous to you, please go ahead and downvote me and/or ignore me.
At the same time, I'd prefer it if you didn't doxx/SWAT me or firebomb my house.
I have no control over what you (or anyone else, for that matter) think, do or say, nor am I interested in such control, so I hope you're rational enough not to do the latter, although the former is, IMHO, a normal and reasonable response to irritation/disagreement.
Good luck. I hope everything works out the way you want.
>Are you serious? You sound like a parody.. a parrot of the false political attacks on bitcoin. Are you literally an ignorant bigot or a troll?
Are my examples[0][1][2] not documented uses for Bitcoin? Note that I was responding to someone who claimed Bitcoin was useless. It is not.
Yes, there are other uses for Bitcoin (Hodling, mostly), but from a consumer standpoint, illegal stuff is what most of us would likely use Bitcoin for.
Troll? Not sure what you've got your panties in a bunch about here. Everything I mentioned is documented as true. And I don't really care how you (or anyone else) feels or reacts to what I have to say.
As such, that it bothers you says more about you than it does about me, IMNSHO.
Bigot? How do you get there?
a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his
or her own opinions and prejudices especially : one who
regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial
or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
(Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bigot )
Please explain how that could apply in this context.
So no. Not a troll or a bigot. You (at least it appears that way) seem to think that I disagree with you and, as such, made a personal attack on me. What gives? I didn't attack you or anyone else. I merely stated some facts that debunked GP's assertion that Bitcoin was "useless."
Again, your (apparently) angry reaction to factual statements says more about you than about me.
I hope you have a good day and have a chance to relax and reduce your stress levels, which seem pretty high ATM.
> I can use it to buy drugs, guns, child porn and other important commodities.
> Are my examples[0][1][2] not documented uses for Bitcoin?
The exact same thing can be said about literally every currency in use today.
> illegal stuff is what most of us would likely use Bitcoin for.
> would likely
You are full of shit. Since you love citing sources, please provide the source that proves this claim ^.
> that it bothers you says more about you than it does about me
You are spreading misinformation in the worst way - mindlessly parroting trolls and deceitful politicians.
> Bigot? How do you get there?
Did you not state that the only legit use of bitcoin is criminal activity? Does that not insinuate that bitcoiners are a bunch of no-good criminals and/or gamblers? That's pretty in line with bigotry. "They're all a bunch of criminals" is the same behavior you see from a lot of other groups of bigots.
> angry reaction to factual statements
Not angry.
Let me state some facts:
The absolute most disgusting criminals in the world 1) Breathe oxygen 2) Drink water 3) Use cell phones 4) Use websites
Does this imply that oxygen, water, cell phones, and websites are only useful for criminals?
>Did you not state that the only legit use of bitcoin is criminal activity? Does that not insinuate that bitcoiners are a bunch of no-good criminals and/or gamblers? That's pretty in line with bigotry. "They're all a bunch of criminals" is the same behavior you see from a lot of other groups of bigots.
I neither said nor implied anything of the sort. Nor was anything along those lines intended. There's no subtext or nefarious/disparaging implication either.
That you interpreted my statements that way says much more about you than it does about me.
How does that old saw[0] from the bible go? Ah yes:
The wicked flee when no man pursueth.
That's the vibe I'm getting from you, along with a little bit of the Shakespeare[1]:
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Who'd a thunk it, eh? A little literary flourish in response to (unfounded) ad hominem attacks. Good on me.
Have a good day and I hope you have an outlet for that stress and anger. It's not very becoming.
Define your time horizon. Currencies will disappear - whether it be in 10 years, 50 or ... let's be ultra-conservative: a few thousands years.
The system is rigged by old generations heavily invested in tradfi, but give it a few generations and things will radically change ... which might be arguably irrelevant on your own time horizon, fair enough
If you mean "digital currencies", then I would be inclined to agree (though it will probably take a lot longer than people think). But existing cryptocurrencies or even future ones built on blockchain and POS/POW? Extremely unlikely.
Are cryptocurrencies a real danger to regular currencies? Are NFTs a real danger to tangible items? Are DAOs a real danger to actual corporations? I'd answer all of those questions with a hard NO.