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HSBC's Stuart Kirk tells FT investors need not worry about climate risk (youtube.com)
4 points by GranularRecipe on May 23, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

He was not denying climate change, he was saying that, in his opinion, the financial risks are overblown, that the economy will adapt, and that at the end of the century we'll still be here and still be richer than we are now. Agree or not but that's a perfectly reasonable thesis to present in an investors conference about climate risk. In any case, I think he's spot on on at least one thing: Hyperbole.

What's outrageous is that he has since been suspended for giving that speech.

He spends a lot of time justifying his thesis but the ramifications of climate change will shake the very foundations of civilization and there really are too many unknowns.

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