Would like to see a FLOSS IDE good enough to wrest mindshare back from vscode. A competitive stronghold that shouldn't be dominated by BigTech and telemetry.
Wishlist: should be very responsive, powerful, and reasonably easy to use. CUA keybindings, no unique interfaces. All intelligent functions running in low priority background threads/workers so the main window is snappy as hell.
Perhaps written in something like rust to improve geek credibility... but if you started with a popular option today and forked, that might be fine.
Correct, should not be built by the first company in line to yield to the NSA while hungry for data. Also, ...
Re: hard, not at all, there are many responsive floss development tools already. They just need some extra polish, community building, and not be written in Java or Javascript, etc.
Probably needs some sponsorship to build mindshare, that seems the harder part.
If too big a request (from scratch) one could start with an existing one and add plugins wrapping existing floss dev tools and language servers at a lower priority.
Wishlist: should be very responsive, powerful, and reasonably easy to use. CUA keybindings, no unique interfaces. All intelligent functions running in low priority background threads/workers so the main window is snappy as hell.
Perhaps written in something like rust to improve geek credibility... but if you started with a popular option today and forked, that might be fine.