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Or just wait for the next economic expansion.

I was telling someone today how I loved where I lived. They said, 'really? everyone says how much they hate it, how crazy it is.' Everyone hates everything, everyone expresses pessimism, applied to everything. We were in the place in the trend where we could still find ways to apply the idea, when it was still provocative to read. Now, for me, it's obvious and tired.

Recessions are, to a degree, self-fulfilling. Optimism and pessimism are intangible, but are real things that have very real consequences for anything you do - your current project (if you even start it), your job, your relationships, your economy, your society. That's obvious and well-known, and I'm tired of people screwing up my life, my relationships, my community and country with this stuff. Nothing is stopping us from living fantastical lives.

I agree so much with this. I easily lost millions in compensation 2011-2017 by listening to the permabears and being unnecessarily risk-averse. So the theory went, surely the recovery from 2008 was incomplete/fake/etc. and we were moments from the next Great Depression.

I'm going to let you (all) in on a little, poorly-kept secret, also known as "software will eat the world": The expansion of the software economy is so interminably white hot that macroeconomic downturns are as significant as a buzzing fly. Another one, "Remote work will cause everything to get outsourced". No it won't. There's so much software to be written we can't comprehend it. One could say that humanity has 1% of the programming capacity it needs, and still be wrong because the nature of software makes this without solution.

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