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Shipping Carriers Refuse to Transport U.S. and California Goods (californiaglobe.com)
3 points by walterbell on May 22, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Perhaps pay a little more and don’t buy Chinese products if you want to alter a trans-oceanic trade process? Or, be glad to save $$ at Walmart and dollar stores and don’t sweat the details.

Ridiculously clickbait headline.

TLDR: it's more profitable for carriers to take empty containers back to China to refill with export goods, than to fill them with American cargo.

"Bowing to China.." implies some kind of Chinese government bullying is forcing carriers to do this. Hey, Yanks. It's your beloved capitalism and free market forces. You should be applauding, not complaining.

> Hey, Yanks. It's your beloved capitalism and free market forces.

Hardly all Americans are libertarians. And even those who are, would probably want to be aware of this troubling development - especially when caused by a country that is not shy about state intervention in the economy itself.

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