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What do you mean by "subsidize"? Are you referring to the general progressiveness of the US Federal tax code, or are you insinuating that Oklahoma's state budget is X% funded by California in addition to Oklahoman tax receipts?

Pretty sure it's the progressive tax code and the fact that California is (1) huge and (2) disproportionately wealthy.

I'm sure that wealthy Americans flock to California for the moral superiority of the average Californian and not, say, the weather. /s

Not the person you replied to, but there’s this concept of donor states that ranks the balance of payments.


So in other words, states with lots of high earners disproportionately fund welfare and social security.

I don't see what's wrong with that. Does the parent comment not like progressive taxation, or do they not like welfare?

That is not even close to "in other words".

Can you explain what "subsidize" means then? Because that's pretty clearly what it reads like to me.

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