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This excellent comeback currently being downvoted is quite a testament to this weird turn against California in the tech community. It seems too sudden and drastic to be just the result of the general ascend of the alt-right in the sector so I am wondering if there any other reasons? Elon Musk? (No it’s not the weird crime fantasies. Also, by the way, Sweden still has excellent quality of life and phrenology is probably wrong and definitely useless)

Maybe housing? But that’s almost literally the Woody Allen joke, “nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded”.

It’s probably lots of little reasons, the main one being though, why stay?

Why start a business there vs another state? Lots of empty office space rn and I can only assume remote won’t help with that.

When the value of the location goes down, could easily start an exponential exit. Cities aren’t forever, just look at Detroit. Not saying that will happen to California but I really do think it peaked for tech last decade.

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