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> This Atari came with 100s of floppy disks and a folder with dot-matrix printouts cataloging the files on each disk.

Please consider taking full dumps of these disks and uploading them to the Internet Archive software collection. Floppy disk data are extremely fragile, and the Internet Archive is one of very few institutions that can take advantage of existing copyright exemptions for libraries to properly store such content for the foreseeable future.

Please explain how to do that? It seems easier said than done!

You need an SIO2SD or SIO2USB device. It plugs into the SIO port on the Atari and reads/writes to an SD card. You can then save disk images from the disk drive to the SD card. Transfer the SD card to a modern computer and upload the image files to the internet archive.

There’s lot of info on the web about this, even YouTube videos if you prefer that. But here’s one random discussion:


Google terms like “Atari copy disk image to SIO2SD” and similar.

I'd suggest the Greaseweazle, which lets you use a PC and PC drive.


I haven't tested this, it's on my to do list.

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