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In over twenty years as a programmer, I don't think I've witnessed a single rational decision being made based on the merits of an idea alone.

That's why it takes about 3x the effort and money to make a smallish CRUD app than it did 25 years ago. Too many eToys to distract decision-making. Warren Buffett said one of his top "skills" is not being afraid to say "no" to dubious investments and ideas. Nobody is saying "no" to our bloated web stacks. When I complain about bloat, I'm often given the reply, "but look at all the wonderful things you can potentially do in the future!" YAGNI, KISS, and DRY have been shot bloody dead.

Yep. My experience as well (25+ years of experience). People are guided by emotions not logic. Logic is mostly used to defend the conclusion reached by emotions. Which is why high IQ people makes mistakes all the time but are more likely to get away with it because of their ability to explain it away.

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