I was half-thinking about taking the Postgres wire protocol code[1] that CockroachDB uses, and adding it to rqlite[2]. Then you could talk to rqlite using Postgres tooling (perhaps). The only thing is that rqlite doesn't support distributed transactions in the usual sense, so there might be some difficulty mapping Postgres transaction control to rqlite. But still, could be interesting.
>"The only thing is that rqlite doesn't support distributed transactions in the usual sense, so there might be some difficulty mapping Postgres transaction control to rqlite."
Can you elaborate on this, in what sense does rqlite support distributed transactions?
You can wrap a single request (containing multiple SQL statements) in a transaction, and either all the statements will be successful, or none will. That's what rqlite currently supports.
[1] https://github.com/jackc/pgproto3
[2] https://github.com/rqlite/rqlite
Disclaimer: I am the creator of rqlite.