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> More often than not, it is a matter of not wanting to use C++ than it not being available.

That's perfectly valid. I reach for C when I need to write fairly small programs. When C does not fill my needs anymore, I don't reach for C++. There are better high-level languages.

C++ is not a replacement for C. When one of the worlds foremost experts on C++ complains that the language is too complex to understand[1], passing on C++ is a reasonable position.

[1] https://steven.brokaw.org/posts/scott-meyers-cant-remember-c...

Same critic can be applied to any language of the same age as C++.

Try to do a pub quizz about a begginiers friendly language like Ruby or Python, that spans over all their versions.

I agree with you. I'm a bit tired of C++ being imposed on those that rather just use C or as if C users can't turn to any other options besides C++. To include that C interop has become a thing for many newer programming languages now.

By the way, the D language (which has been with us for a while) has long positioned itself as a viable alternative to C++.

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