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Teens are fighting book bans with 'banned book clubs' (washingtonpost.com)
22 points by mooreds on May 16, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Good to hear that some teenagers still have backbones.

Remember when our parents used to say that about us?

Yes, and it was one of the "missing missing reasons[0]" that I cut all contact with my parents once I turned 18 and took inordinate pleasure in reading their obituaries.

[0]: http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-miss...

Where can I share few absolutely amorale books on English? I have few found on Hidden Wiki. I don't know are they forbidden (or just unknown for thems) but they are highly informative and even literate.

Amoral in what way?


> The forthcoming case on discrimination against Asians in college admissions for the sake of diversity will likely open some eyes to the reality of this so-called equity.

Unfortunately, this has been ongoing for many years now, but has been getting very little media coverage. It's unlikely that this trend will change for the foreseeable future

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