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This isn't about foreign policy, this is about domestic food prices, which are more politically important than foreign policy for any government in any country

I don't see that being true in the US, it certainly hasn't changed policies that have resulted in massive increases of fertilizers, from high natural gas used for fixing nitrogen to the pre-invasion post-failed Color Revolution sanctions on Belarus which has 20% of the world's potash (potassium) market. We're both suppressing natural gas production and increasing as fast as possible our ability to export it as LNG.

Making Diesel fuel massively more expensive prior to a very expensive transition to electrical trucks is also making pretty much every good more expensive, everything travels by Diesel powered trucks and/or trains. Biden and company have also decided theoretical so far punishment of Russia is more important than all of the above, for example the East Coast has halved its refinery capacity in the last decade and as of late was getting a lot of distillates from Russia.

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