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Agreed, at-will means you can leave at any time, though perhaps at a cost to your career. I've just never seen a company explicitly say, effectively, "if you don't like it, you can leave" as part of their employee guidelines. Seems unnecessarily blunt.

> Agreed, at-will means you can leave at any time, though perhaps at a cost to your career.

I'm not sure how quietly leaving a workplace will come at a cost to a career. People need to leave employment for various personal reasons (e.g. death in the family, burnout, pregnancy, health issues), and at least in our sector I've never seen anyone judged poorly for that.

Unless you leave comparatively too much more often than your peers and competiting candidates you will probably be fine.

> Agreed, at-will means you can leave at any time, though perhaps at a cost to your career.

This is why I have a job, and not a career. If I'm really unhappy with my job, I can save up, quit and try to get a better one.

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