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Maybe plantuml https://github.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML with the c4model plugin helps (https://c4model.com/). Using plantuml includes you might be able to have some kind of overview plantuml picture, where you can click on the included to see the detailed contexts.


Everything checked into Git

For the text part you could use pandoc.

In the end you have a pandoc pipeline which mixes your text with your pictures (plantuml) and generates some nice documents

I was blown away by the idea behind C4 when I first saw the presentation. I think what's missing is the tooling. I use C4 PlantUML do document my architecture designs.. what I'd really love though is a google maps style interface where I can zoom in or out of the current level I'm at. That'd be a game changer. Then you can really describe and understand the system.

The original presentation, in fact, used the google maps interface to illustrate the idea where you're first looking at a continent, then you zoom in to the city and finally the street level.

If you are using C4 right now, how do you compose the various level of architecture and navigate around them?

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