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Baby Formula Shortage Could Last Months (wsj.com)
2 points by LopRabbit on May 12, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

It's kind of interesting how all this damage was done in the name of "protecting" "vulnerable persons", and yet here we are, where the most vulnerable will get screwed.

Some demand can be cut with breast feeding, if that's still an option for some mother's. Some demand can be cut by weaning off formula earlier.

But for the most part, this will be negated by overstocking.

Then the fighting for scarce resources wins. And it's the people with money that can afford to stock up when the most expensive place in town has formula in stock.

I figure the government itself is the prime amplifier of vulnerable persons getting screwed. Picking winners and losers might seem like a good idea until you realize this very act creates more losers, even if successfully reducing iniquities.

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