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Interesting Mars Image (nasa.gov)
55 points by SQL2219 on May 11, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Could that just be a movie prop left over after they filmed the martian with matt damon?

Intriguing. But I think it will turn out to be naturally occurring.

If you brighten the screen or the image and zoom in, you will see a crack that is going down. It probably indicates the cave like thing isn't too deep. Therefore, I also believe it's natural.

[1]: https://picbun.com/p/K5ICFQGc

But it sure is intriguing.

An Elon looking humanoid might be living there acclimatising and studying the place before the actual landing party arrives.

I wonder if they could drive the rover in there and take a peek?

It's too risky. Marvin will desintegrate it.

Obviously, by the technology seen here, we've been on Mars since the neolithic.

what's the size of things in this image

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