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Except when it helps quislings like Hawley.

That's the thing though. How does it help Hawley to have copyright law curtailed, thus enabling even more free expression?

Or does this law somehow only apply to Disney and no other copyright holding entity?

The particulars don't help or harm Hawley. The value to him is in virtue signalling to his voter base. Not for any principled stance on free expression, but for fighting "wokeness."

I mean, I guess he can spin any way he wants. He has branded Disney as a "for the woke" company.

I am no "mouthpiece of the woke" but I thought the actual "woke" wanted lesser copyright years? And he's trying to deliver that.

The best thing here is for the "woke" to loudly cheer him on in this - thus supporting what they want AND confusing the fanbase he thought he was targeting.

It is no gain for anyone to cheer on Hawley. Any small gains made by accident though him are lost to his greater cynicism and general disregard for anyone except Hawley.

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