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This seems to target the "bigger" cpu's in a car, but there are tens of ECU's that are far smaller and that I think could benefit from a better platform. A much better one than AUTOSAR, which is a nightmare to work with. I swear I don't know what automakers are thinking with pushing AUTOSAR.

Maybe zephyr [1] is a good option for those ECUs? or hubris [2]?

[1] https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/introduction/index.htm...

[2] https://github.com/oxidecomputer/hubris

Zephyr hasn't finished their certification package, to the best of my knowledge. It was supposed to be finished late last year, but I'm not sure what the current status is. That's typically a bare minimum for RTOS vendor selection, and the turnaround time between selection and deployment is typically 3+ years.

Unfortunately still a bit premature right now.

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