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Who made these circles in the Sahara? (vox.com)
17 points by 8bitsrule on May 10, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I just happened to watch this video this morning and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't want to spoil the ending, but I will say the answer isn't overly exciting, but the journey to finding it was super cool. The desert they drive through is insane.

Yeah, the number of people involved and interviewed in trying to figure out what was going on in such a remote area is was amazing. And digging into all that was going on there in that era in history was also an eye-opener for me.

Spoilers here.

> I don't want to spoil the ending, but I will say the answer isn't overly exciting

Why? And that's right, it is literally boring. This is a waste of almost 30 minutes to reveal what they could have in less than a minute. This is a story about the content creators, and how cool they are, not about what they claim it is about. It was CREPS, between 1953 and 1958, aka the Sahara Petroleum Research and Exploitation Company, a joint venture between the French government and Royal-Dutch Shell. There. I saved some a half an hour of learning how cool these content creators are and having your eardrums smacked by poorly designed and poorly engineered audio of a narrator that is painful to listen to (if you have an eq, you can somewhat mitigate their audio tragedy by cutting 1K and 4K back to natural levels, but there is nothing we can do about their Loudness Wars compression).

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