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GNU Regression, Econometrics and Time-Series Library (sourceforge.net)
62 points by vyuh on May 10, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I used GRETL some on graduate school. Thanks for the reminder.

Ultimately I wroteost of my own in Matlab, C, and Python. GRETL at the time wasn't consistent to the results in texts books (not always the fault of GRETL!).

I've tried gretl and liked it, but scripting with it was challenging IIRC.

What's the point given that R exists?

R's a programming language. Gretl is a GUI program that was originally created for teaching econometrics. (You may not be aware that Gretl has been around for many years, so it's a legit question.)

It was invented so people could learn econometrics or for professors to use to assign econometric homework?

Gretl was released back in 2000, well before R gained enough traction be become one of the main programming languages for statistical computing.

R itself was first released in 1993, and is based on S / S-Plus which date to the 70s...moreover, these have been standard tools since the 80s at least, well before Gretl...

R was considered "just a stats package" until the last 10-15 years.

The S of the 70s and 80s was a different beast. It was more macro based like SAS. R really didn't start to gain traction until the 2000s.

Different user space. This competes with STATA and other canned package delivery applications.

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