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I made an account just to respond to you(I'm a 100% lurker). I collect old (pre-1900) books not because I look for financial profit or an increase in value, but to preserve literature- especially older books that are less likely to have been scanned.

What I usually do is I look for books that are on their last threads or are so old they likely won't survive much more abuse of time and tear- and scan/upload them so that they can survive as digital copies long after they turn into dust and mulch on my low-income bookshelves I made myself.

I don't expect these works to survive much longer- much like the memories those older than me will disappear forever after they die soon(most people don't record their lives). So I do what I can to preserve the memories of the past by cloning them into shareable media.

To me, once it's been uploaded- their antique value still remains the same, other people just get to have python-translated pdf/txt formats of the genuine physical copy.

I just wanted to let you know that what you are doing is appreciated. More than once while researching something, I've been made aware of the fact that individuals making copies, is the most important factor in written works being preserved. It's hard to say how well digital media is going to stack up against paper, but it seems self-evident to me, the more copies, in the more media, the better.

Thank you for doing this. I produce PD ebooks as a hobby, and it simply wouldn’t be possible without source scans to reference (and transcribe where needed).

Have you got a favourite “lost” novel?

I kinda stumbled into rare books over the years, and at some point became aware of how many important texts just disappear because of lack of reprints and copies. It's really sad and remarkable.

Chiming in to thank you. The access to quality information on the web, specifically Ebooks, is what gives me hope for the future.

Hi please email ( link in profile ) I probably have several books that fit your description- Collected because I love books and collecting things :) Though not so old, I have my 1939 Grimm's fairy tails sitting next to me. It is in very sad shape, but still magical to me. It was barely 30 years old when I nabbed it from a church rummage sale.

You're doing God's work. I do the same with old magazines.

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