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Ask HN: How to prepare for 100% remote job?
1 point by fantasticshower on May 8, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
I'm reentering the corporate world as a software engineer after working for myself as a farmer for the past four years. My position is entirely remote. Previously I worked from the office 90% of the time.

What can I do to prepare, mentally, physically or otherwise for this new way of working?

Get a good mic and camera, LED lighting, noise-cancelling headphones.

A high end chair (you will be using it a lot).

Big 4K monitor or 4K TV on your desk.

Any recommendations on what to look for in a chair or do you have a specific one you like?

It's a matter of taste but after I spent some time onsite where all the chairs were aeron


I went home and blew the money on one. Still going strong 10 years later.

There are a lot of halfbaked knockoffs that get the best part wrong, the woven seat that keeps your important parts at a comfortable temperature.

One other thing is a usb keyboard, these don't live long when you are mashing them all day every day. I eventually ended up with a mechanical switch one which felt poseurish but it is going to take years to break.

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