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My 2 year old can grab our iPad, ask us to unlock it, and proceed to open Netflix or Disney plus (depending on his mood) and pick what show he was looking to watch. We taught him basic signs before he could speak (milkies, more, all done)

He’s not a savant by any stretch of the imagination. Kids are quite capable at very young ages. Parents are usually the ones holding kids back.

I make my 8-year old struggle and work when she asks for help. She gets mad, but I can see her actually learning how to learn. She also is not a savant, just a normal 8-year old.

Is it normal for 2-year-olds to watch television?



Edit: looking at your post history you have a pattern of making shitty one-sentence comments. Why even bother? You come across as a troll.

OK, thank you.

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