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Having studied and living in the uk, is this likely a LONDON problem compounded by the health board not realising most students finish when funding stops. Given this also isn't a surprise (you would be aware of your peers plans whilst a student) budgeting as a student 'should' cover this. Were getting that the "evil" landlord put the rent up, bit it's very important to know what the absolute value here is... Also id be surprised if a personal career development loan wouldn't help here if all else failed.

No, it isn't just London. One of the students is in Leeds, which is in the North. Definitely improved a lot over the last ten years but is still a fairly typical deprived West Yorkshire town. The problem is a lack of housing (London hasn't become significantly more expensive over the last five years or so, prices in cities outside London have).

And the issue with these kind of things is that your money is fixed. I don't think anyone could have predicted their rent going up or down. Inflation is 7% that impacts things.

If you are referring to the UK career development loan scheme, you can't fund undergrads and you can't take one out in the middle of a course (I believe, it was the case when I took one)

I agree that the picture given in these articles is not very helpful (unf, this is the way the news is going to be for a while, these times are a gold rush for journalists, easy clicks, easy bonuses) but, generally, this kind of thing is an issue. Medical students are the least impacted because they get money (however, they are the most politically organized).

This story is NOT about how they suddenly can't afford bread and butter due to 7% on average life changes. Nobody working a serious profession such as this is living so close to the lyteral bread-line as to have been impacted by this. If they were it's a very easy argument to make that they've been very naive with their personal financing. (especially when they're supposed to be a trained professional it's much, much more difficult to argue, oh how naive of them to not think of that...)

> compounded by the health board

I don't think the health board have anything to do with it - they don't fund students or set stipends do they? They just do initiatives for public health.

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