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SemanticStrengh on May 7, 2022 | hide | past | favorite

See also my answer about this: https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=SemanticStrengh#3129...

i would especially attract attention to the question of how much can the Beam effect of 5G increase oxidative stress vs homogenous Wi-Fi signal.

extract: Wi-Fi and 5G increase empirically oxidative stress which is the multiplier of aging. There are some debate as to wether Wi-Fi can promote diseases, including mental disorders. This is where you will find conflicting evidence and that is irrelevant. The main worry of Wi-Fi is not that it might or not increase those rates, it is that it increase oxidative stress and DNA breaks. An effect far too subtle and diffuse in time to show such symptoms in studies. However it is a certainty that an increase in O.S and DNA breaks act as a multiplier on the aging process, a statement which I can totally back with my expertise in gerontology. This is extremely worrying and longitudinal studies are inexistant, one of the reasons is that no human has been consistently exposed to the Wi-Fi range for more than 22 years yet. Therefore it is primordial to quantify the potency and tissue locality of the oxidative stress and DNA breaks increase and to compare it with other stressors. Here's a meta-analysis of 100 papers https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Biological-and-patholo...

The selected studies have all been published in peer-reviewed journals. Result: More than 100 studies on 2.45 GHz radiation were analyzed, most of which found changes compared to the control groups at levels below the safety guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) (issued as exposure limits of the 26th Federal Pollution Control Ordinance (BImSchV) in Germany). The available studies document damage to the reproductive system, impacts on the EEG and brain functions, as well as effects on the heart, liver, thyroid, gene expression, cell cycle, cell membranes, bacteria, and plants. As a mechanism of action, many studies identify oxidative stress. Adverse effects on learning, memory, attention, and behavior are the result of cytotoxic effects. Conclusions: Based on the extensive body of research and the adverse health effects demonstrated in the majority of the studies, it is recommended that steps should be taken to minimize RF radiation exposure in accordance with official recommendations. Wired solutions should be given preference. Current exposure limits and SAR values do not protect from health risks associated with Wi-Fi radiation.

here's another corroborating meta-analysis: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24162060/

and a third review: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001393511...

I have only found one short term study showing no effect on oxidative stress vs ~all others that have investigated the question. Moreover sadly most of the studies examined the effect of the 2.45 Ghz range.. The 5Ghz and now 6Ghz range is criminally understudied. The effects of 5G are even more worrying given that it could go up to 24 GHz in the future and especially, while Wi-Fi is homogenous, 5G is "laser"-like, it forms a directed beam towards the device and therefore the human tissues. https://www.metaswitch.com/knowledge-center/reference/what-i...

So scientifically there is solid evidence to think that Wi-Fi over the span of a lifetime can increase the rate of cancers and worsen ageing related diseases and lifespan. As said the 5-6 Ghz is a dangerous unknown vs the 2.45. As for 5G, the beam directed approach is the most dangerous unknown.

>The available studies document damage to the reproductive system, impacts on the EEG and brain functions, as well as effects on the heart, liver, thyroid, gene expression, cell cycle, cell membranes, bacteria, and plants.

The question is, how serious is that damage and are they able to always 100% reproduce the damage done with ~2.4GHz RF.

I suspect that, if the damage done by RF is serious and hits hard over time, that we should soon see a increase of cancer in western societies. Then the question is again, does the increase come from better medical examination methods or from too much of a exposure of RF.

> Wired solutions should be given preference.

Well unfortunately it seems everyone’s been making this as difficult as possible the last several years.

hey, noticed that you got a lot of backlash on your comments. just wanted to say that I appreciate it and there’s a discord community[1] that would be open to your thoughts on this subject.

[1] https://discord.com/invite/upcQfRMVhy

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