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"Happens to be right" is kind of misleading here. It's not like he "happened" to call tails on a coin flip or something.

Microsoft has a history of writing unreasonably shitty software, abstracting it to all fuck with ten thousand layers of manufactured complexity, and then claiming the problem itself is hard. Casey was like, no, the problem is actually trivial, and if you just write code in a straightforward way without pessimizing your own code, you can easily get something 100x faster than Windows Terminal. He even wrote refterm to prove it: https://github.com/cmuratori/refterm

No one wants to be told that something they're working super hard on is actually trivial, and that all of their problems are basically self-created. There's no nice way to say that. It's basically saying, "stop doing 90% of the crap you're doing, and the problem solves itself." But it's true and it should be said.

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