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Not just ECMO, people who were "only" on a respirator for a few weeks/months also have their fair share of issues afterwards. Makes you think reading stories like these should be enough to convince anyone to get vaccinated. But some people are still convinced that this won't happen to them if they get Covid, however they fear any number of side effects from the vaccination...

> But some people are still convinced that this won't happen to them if they get Covid, however they fear any number of side effects from the vaccination...

Ayup. Had a close relative like this--he was about 10 years younger than me and still has a teenager. He got Delta and wound up on ECMO. He didn't make it.

All because anti-vax was part of his social identity.

And it's not like he didn't know. I got Covid Original Flavour(tm) and loudly told everybody around me how much it sucked (it was basically the 3rd sickest I've ever been in my life) and all the side effects I got from it.

Just go read the sister thread right now on myocarditis in Israel… people are calling for tribunals on medical malpractice for forcing people to get vaccines…

Given that the risk of myocarditis after covid 19 infection is six times worse than after vaccination [1] this is just a cost of doing business.

(where "cost of doing business" is defined as "not dying from a disease which is easily preventable in the vast majority of cases")

[1] - https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25133462-800-myocardi...

Can you link the thread please. I looked through your profiles other comments but I didn't see it.

Probably this: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31202038

I suggest you use https://hn.algolia.com/ to search for past stories or comments (make sure to use the correct combo selections, otherwise it won’t give you what you want!).

Not the person you're responding to, but if you're unaware/interested in relevant data this study [1] was just published 10 days ago and it's interesting. It compared the rates of myocarditis/pericarditis only within the 28 day period following vaccination to the rates experienced by unvaccinated individuals over a sample of 23 million Europeans.

Keep in mind the metric they use (IRR - incident rate ratio) is a ratio, not a percent. So an IRR of 15 means 1500% more events. Table 2 lays out everything quite nicely. To see it you need to click on figures/tables and scroll down a bit.

[1] - https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/...

I don't know if there is a discussion thread but an Israeli study was just published yesterday which found an association between COVID-19 vaccination and myocarditis in young men.


(I am not taking a position on the findings of that study, just providing a link as a reference.)

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