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Fearless Alpha Testers for Conversation Web App
1 point by adityar on Oct 17, 2011 | hide | past | favorite
I'm looking for some fearless alpha testers to test a web app and give feedback. If you're (1) opinionated (2) loquacious (3) passionate about tech, you're the person I'm looking for.

The app is called mesmira (http://www.mesmira.com/) and the intent is to:

1. enable you to interact with others on the basis of shared interests

2. maintain a high signal-to-noise ratio UX with two-levels of filtering (interests & personal network)

3. enable you to "follow" specific people on specific interests (no general follows).

Essentially, you can create your own personal network for every one of your interests. and talk about something you're passionate about with people in your network (a question, a post, a link share...).

I can't support more than 50 users or so at this point due to my hosting limitations. Hopefully, I can up that limit soon.

If you'd like to participate, go to http://www.mesmira.com/ and click on the image. You'll get a popup to fill out to get an invite.

Thanks and looking forward to working with you.


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