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A lot of the problem starts with the fact that most hospitals in the USA were taken over and are now owned by "Private Equity".

If you know ANYTHING about finance, that should send shivers up your back and also make you realize why this happening with nursing.

Private Equity is where you go to get money if:

• Your business is floundering and no one will loan to you

• Your industry is in the ebbing phase and not growing

• You are ignorant or naive about getting money for business

• You haven't done your due diligence

• Your company is in play for a hostile take-over

Having Private Equity getting involved is always a major Red Flag if not Black Flag.

In general, Private Equity knows nothing about your business norms or markets - they don't care. They are a one-size-fits-all investor and that primarily means "Cut Costs on Everything".

It's very akin to having a lawyer become your CEO (e.g. Sears/Kmart) - it's a omen of VERY BAD things being imminent.

A case in point: the COVID bounties from Medicare for testing, admissions, treatment AND DEATH BY COVID are exactly something that Private Equity would love maximally, dream up and probably try to enact with lobbyists.

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