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And you assume they went back because of the block based on...?

Surely it couldn't be that they disliked the UX, that their other friends failed to move over, or that those indie-operated websites lacked in performance. No, of course we must assume it's the lack of fighting.

I switched to Mastodon because it is much much easier to build a walled garden in which I want to experience.

Twitter ist just a toxic hole with groups of people that seems to have nothing more to do than to annoy and harm you.

I left Twitter after the algorithmic news feed came in. “How bad could it be?” I wondered. Really bad. Despite carefully curating my Twitter feed to be almost all creators doing interesting stuff, Twitter decided what I really wanted to see was awful racist politics.

I had a think about it and deleted the app the next day. You can blame twitter’s users if you want. I blame twitter’s algorithm for actively finding the most vile stuff and shoving it in everyone’s faces.

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