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Yes, the Fediverse isn't federated enough. Framatube is one of the organizations behind PeerTube. But PeerTube isn't very federated. It's just offloaded onto viewing clients. I think.

Here's a video of mine supposedly on PeerTube:


Well, it's really on Hardlimit, which just outsources some of the playback bandwidth. I can't, as far as I know, play that without going to Hardlimit's web site. I can't even embed it without getting Hardlimit's branding. (Getting to full screen mode on mobile is really hard because their top and bottom banners get in the way of the video controls.) I ought to be able to put that long random key into other PeerTube sites and play it, but that does not seem to be possible. This is not "federation". It's a walled garden with outsourcing.

The video plays fine. I'm now using PeerTube for my technical videos, where I need streaming but the audience is people who find out about it on technical sites.

The federated video crowd needs to 1) get their act together, and 2) get some major forum systems to recognize their URLs as embedded video, as those systems do for Youtube, Twitter, and often Vimeo. That would at least bring them up to where Gyazo is.

The video is a pitch deck. A good one. But it's a pitch deck for something that's not fully usable yet.

   test "$PEERTUBE_INSTANCE"||exec echo -e "PEERTUBE_INSTANCE is unset\nusage: echo shortUUID|$0 [PEERTUBE_INSTANCE]"
   read x y;
   test ${#x} -eq 22||exec echo invalid shortUUID;
   z=$(curl -s "https://$PEERTUBE_INSTANCE/api/v1/videos/$x"|tr '\42' '\12' \
   |sed -n "/hls\/videos.*$PEERTUBE_QUALITY-fragmented.mp4/p"); 
   curl -4o $x.mp4 "$z";
Download video from PeerTube from command line

On mobile, an app like NewPipe will also work


   export PEERTUBE_INSTANCE=video.hardlimit.com
   echo peBesyAgtzfRWS5FnDQQtn|$0 

   echo peBesyAgtzfRWS5FnDQQtn|$0 peertube.ignifi.me
The JSON also includes torrent URLs and magnet URIs.

Are you logged into those other peertube sites?

Most AP implementations that reshared all known content quickly discovered they were hosting stuff that made other people mad, and then those other people made lots of noise, because they couldn't tell the difference between rehosting and originating.

You are very misinformed. Here is your video on a random instance I found in the instance list [1]: https://peertube.ignifi.me/w/peBesyAgtzfRWS5FnDQQtn

[1]: https://joinpeertube.org/instances

Did you try that URL? When I go there it says it's not available and directs me to the source URL.

It works if you're logged in. There's no real reason you would want to watch a video on an instance that is neither yours nor the author's.

Except in situations exactly like this one. A user shouldn't have to worry about local vs remote videos if they want to share the link outside the fediverse and someone clicking that link definitely shouldn't have to know about instances, federation, etc to be able to watch the video. Clicking the link should take them to a watchable video; if for some reason, it's not available for watching on the instance, it should use a http redirect instead of loading an intermediary page

(too late to edit) Actually this works with other videos so I probably just stumbled on an instance that disabled this. There are plenty for remote videos on framatube.org, for example: https://framatube.org/videos/trending

"This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: https://video.hardlimit.com..."

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