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After the death of Google+, I joined a Diaspora pod that was created specifically for Google+ refugees. Now that pod is about the die (it still exist, but the owner died, so we're not sure how long it will last), so everybody is joining other federated social networks. Many moved to another Diaspora pod, some moved to Mastodon. I moved to Friendica, which has the advantage of being able to follow people on both Diaspora and Mastodon.

I haven't found a good Android app for it yet, unfortunately.

I was also a #gplusrefugee on pluspora :-) Very sad to see it go. Once a nomad, always a nomad, I guess?

I joined Nerdica not long after joining pluspora, but wasn't active there because the (web) UX is pretty poor. But still, it's my main sn now... besides Fosstodon, which is pretty cool.

Nerdica is also the pod I moved to when the death of Pluspora was announced. Though I think most of the people I'm following are still on Diapora.

The Web ui is fine enough (it's a bit slow and has a few warts), but I haven't found a good mobile app yet.

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