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Ask HN: What data structure/db should I use for storing the file tree structure?
1 point by code_devil on Oct 17, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
I am trying to write an application(I am using python) to have a copy of a remote machines directory structure in my local machine (not the actual content of the files in the remote machine).

Once I store it in my local machine, I want to be be able to perform the following operations on my local copy of the tree structure


"ls /etc"

"ls /etc/bin/yahoo"

and see the listing. Also if I change/add a dir/file name in the remote machine, I want to have the ability to easily update it in my local data structure.

You don't specify any performance requirements, so take a look at this:


You will be able to update, but it will not be efficient.

Also - questions of this type are more appropriate for StackOverflow than HackerNews.

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