Prototype.js + Scriptaculous was what really started the JS craze IMHO, followed by jQuery. Then came the increasingly more complex MooTools and YUI and Ext.js and friends, though nothing really took off nearly as hard as jQuery did.
You forgot Dojo, which was the first big javascript framework.
We have a different recollection of the order of events. I was doing web dev professionally as of 2004, and how I recall it is this:
Originally people had utilities files with a bunch of javascript convenience functions copied from random blogs that they would use to enrich server-side generated pages. This is how I wrote web apps in 2004-2006: php-generated html with hand-rolled js to enrich it.
Out of those grew the first generation of libraries (not frameworks) like prototype, mootools and finally jquery (which was so good at being a web swiss army knife that it replaced every other library).
The libraries were ok to add a bit of interaction but not at building entire UI. The “write your whole UI in JS” approach I remember being popularized by dojo and yui / yui-ext / extjs. GWT was a big hype but indeed not used by many. Lots of people used dojo and extjs though. I switched to ExtJS as soon as it arrived on the scene in 2007.
Those early frameworks only solved the UI problem, they were not great at page lifecycle and backend interaction, so they relatively quickly got replaced by application frameworks that did, like backbone and angularjs. Their mistakes became the inspiration for the second generation of SPA frameworks that we are still using today.
My recollection was that Prototype.js got a big boost in popularity early on on the back of its inspiration from Ruby on Rails (in the sense that abusing prototype pollution to make DOM elements have useful methods was novel and cool). Dojo and friends were comparatively obscure/niche until much later. I recall only reading about Dojo years later, during the whole Comet hype.
My impression of the era was that visual pizzazz was all the rage, and Scriptaculous really delivered on that front (Flash was also huge back then). Whereas full blown web apps were relatively rare and a lot of library consumers just didn't see the point of things like modularization (despite the interest in "proper" engineering from library authors like Dean Edwards et al)
And even then, once interest in thick clients grew, Ext.js had a lot more fanfare among the heavier frameworks than the Dojos and MooTools, due to its focus on enterprise.
You forgot Dojo, which was the first big javascript framework.
We have a different recollection of the order of events. I was doing web dev professionally as of 2004, and how I recall it is this:
Originally people had utilities files with a bunch of javascript convenience functions copied from random blogs that they would use to enrich server-side generated pages. This is how I wrote web apps in 2004-2006: php-generated html with hand-rolled js to enrich it.
Out of those grew the first generation of libraries (not frameworks) like prototype, mootools and finally jquery (which was so good at being a web swiss army knife that it replaced every other library).
The libraries were ok to add a bit of interaction but not at building entire UI. The “write your whole UI in JS” approach I remember being popularized by dojo and yui / yui-ext / extjs. GWT was a big hype but indeed not used by many. Lots of people used dojo and extjs though. I switched to ExtJS as soon as it arrived on the scene in 2007.
Those early frameworks only solved the UI problem, they were not great at page lifecycle and backend interaction, so they relatively quickly got replaced by application frameworks that did, like backbone and angularjs. Their mistakes became the inspiration for the second generation of SPA frameworks that we are still using today.