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Rectangle is fully open source, so rather than working with the community to fix the problem you're having (about 1/10th the effort you went into debugging the problem), you instead opt for a paid app? What you do if you were using Linux?


I don't have the skills or knowledge, I just want working snapping without affecting anything else negatively.

Maybe I should have bugged my dev friend who did the digging to submit a bug report, but I didn't think of that at the time.

If you have had the skills to write this comment, you have the skills to submit a bug report.

Rectangle has a simple bug report template, and maintainers would probably guide you if you'd have trouble providing the requested information.

  macOS version:
  Rectangle version:
  Logs if applicable (In Rectangle menu, hold option, "View Logging..."):
Maintainers are used to receiving barely understandable bug reports written in broken English or a foreign language by non-technical users, and the issue can usually be debugged if the users are willing to follow directions and respond to questions.

People talk about free software but to me there’s the cost of time that’s often overlooked. Submitting bug reports is one way to help “pay” for your “free” software. Sometimes there are usability or productivity or compatibility costs as well, all costing time. But we owe it to the developers and maintainers to put in that work in exchange for all they’ve done.

Paying $8 is also valid, but I wouldn’t complain about it. It’s just the cost you choose to pay to get what you want.

Exactly, it's perfectly fine to not report a bug and pay for a different product instead. The issue starts when we attribute this to not having the needed skills to report a problem, and we defer the work to our friends. Many of us have that acquaintance who is suddenly capable of doing basic things when you stop offering them your time.

Free software is only free if you value your time at $0.00/hour.

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