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Twitter’s top lawyer reassures staff, cries during meeting about Musk takeover (politico.com)
11 points by cato_the_elder on April 26, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

The billionaire entrepreneur has “used the platform to attack people, often launching childish broadsides against anyone he doesn’t like or agree with,” said Jessica González, co-CEO of the progressive tech advocacy group Free Press. “And he’s regularly rallied a Twitter mob of loyal fans to follow his lead with more vicious threats and bullying.”

This, together with Musk personally pursuing people out of what can only be described as pettiness, is why I have a hard time imagining him not abusing his new power to silence people he does not like.

A person that sends private investigators after rescue personnel that doesn't want to participate in his PR stunts [1] just to dig up any dirt on them, personally cancels Tesla orders of bloggers [2] and calls the bosses of critics to silence them [3]. Musk is all about "cancelling" people if he doesn't like them, and the bar for that is very low if you include all of his childish tantrums on Twitter and how he sends his always angry (and cultish) fanbase to harass anyone over the slightest comments he interprets as negative.

Free speech under Musk will probably only be applied very selectively.

[1] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/oct/08/elon-musk...

[2] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/feb/03/elon-musk...

[3] https://www.inverse.com/article/47461-elon-musk-responds-to-...

Musk methods might be harsh or offend a particular political spectrum but they are meant to optimize for time. Time is of the essence for somebody running 6 companies and trying to accomplish what he set in ambitious timelines.

Many people can't grasp what he's trying to do with Tesla , SpaceX and now Twitter. So they resort to criticism.

He's giving millions of people a reason to be hopeful about the future.

What he's about to accomplish with X-Holdings is a place where every futurist can congregate under his leadership as he constantly show us the way into the future, and hopefully off this planet towards Mars and (although we won't see it) at some point into the Andromeda Galaxy.

Elon Musk is the man who sees infinite.

So you believe that certain people deserve the privilege of not ever being criticized, and you count Musk among those people?

You only gave an explanation of why you are a fan of Musk and why you don't agree with (any?) of his critics, not why his angry reactions to critics and attempts to shut them down are OK. Or did you want to say that this is just "for the greater good", and thus should be judged by different rules?

He claims to be a defender of free speech for everyone, but he's clearly not able to handle free speech when it comes to him.

> they are meant to optimize for time

They obviously are not.

It takes time and energy to attempt to silence critics or to get in stupid name-calling fights on twitter.

Optimizing for time would be ignoring critics completely.

Crying because the person taking over is pushing for complete freedom of speech. That tells you everything you need to know about these people. You are the author and each tweet is a paragraph in your own digital book. At what point did book burning become an accepted practice?


If I was wrong you wouldn't have to insult me.

Censorship is bad says person who apparently censored Hunter Biden laptop story?

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