A reasonable response to the problem of “companies are trying to push dubious clauses in employment contracts” would be “make those dubious practices illegal and/or unenforceable”, or maybe “make obfuscated or hard-to-read contracts illegal and/or unenforceable”. Your response was instead, as in the linked comic strip, “let’s make an app to fix it!”.
Empowering individuals to solve societal problems rarely work, IMHO. Giving people guns doesn’t solve the crime problem; improving society to have less desperately poor people and drug addicts does. Giving people the ability to read and right to refuse contracts doesn’t give people better working conditions, empowering government and/or unions to enforce better conditions does. Building larger and more tank-like cars does not improve traffic safety; lowering and enforcing speed limits and seat belt laws does. Being conscious about your personal carbon footprint will not solve the climate crisis. Et cetera.