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Parsec – Connect to Work or Games from Anywhere (parsec.app)
2 points by quyleanh on April 25, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I've used this for a while. The fact that I do not game that much and don't need an extra Windows pc made me stop using it after a while.

Also, I tried Nvidia GeForceNow [1] which does not give you full RDP access to a Windows PC, but only to an app store where you can pick and start games.

[1] https://play.geforcenow.com/mall/#/layout/games

I use this all day long to be "lazy" and use my Windows desktop from my 4K TV connected M1 Mac Mini on my local network. No latency at all. It's great except it's not 444 and only 420 subsampling.

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