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Google + will not dethrone Facebook because my mom doesn’t use it (jpuopolo.com)
4 points by jpuopolo on Oct 15, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I had been thinking that as soon as someone made a place that was "I can post my drunk photos here and mom won't see them" will get very popular.

Facebooks past with requiring an .edu email address to use prevented Mom from seeing drunk photos; in fact back in the day people were trying to get me to use facebook because it allowed more privacy and no internet stalkers could creep you unless you let them compared to myspace and others.

Strange how the world changes.

Facebook is well aware that they can do pretty much anything with their users and they won't leave. That's the strength of social influence. And even if people 'leave' Facebook for another service, many of them will keep their old accounts because of the services it provides, like events.

I hope that Google+ becomes more social. It feels more like a tool than a hangout. And a GCal counterpart to Facebook Events would really help.

She wasn't using Facebook either, a few years ago.

I'd be more surprised if she was using MySpace or Friendster.

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