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Crypto Thieves Get Bolder by the Heist, Stealing Record Amounts (wsj.com)
2 points by biancagus on April 22, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Wsj is way behind [https://web3isgoinggreat.com/]. At least they’re MSM’ing, to a useful crowd, how screwed DAOs and policy-is-code are so far.

Hadn't seen this site before, thanks for the link.

Are there any particular submissions or general comments you'd make about it -- looks like a good spot... just asking for a "bestOf" example?

Have fun scrolling down, and watch the flaming bar graph of accumulating losses. I think early-to mid-March was rich. Like a good humor site, hard to pick a top N for any small N.

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