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If you're interested in this topic, I highly suggest some of the talks and papers about the LMAX Disruptor [0] and Martin Thompson's latest project Aeron [1]. It targets the JVM, but the lessons are generally applicable since I don't think Concord/Aria are open source.

[0] https://lmax-exchange.github.io/disruptor/ [1] https://github.com/real-logic/aeron

The LMAX disruptor (and the principles behind it) are quite amazing.

We are using it right now as the foundation for a new business administration platform.

It's even more ridiculous in .NET due to enhancements relative to value types:


In .NET6, this is potentially one of the fastest ways to serialize an arbitrary # of threads.

As a Vert.x fanatic, LMAX Disruptor is one of the few technologies for JVM that makes my jaw drop. So cool.

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