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As a Turkish engineer who left Turkey 3.5 years ago, I wish you good luck! You will feel alone, confused and behind at the beginning but later on you will adopt European life style and you will realize there is a huge world out there to not belong a single country. You made a great choose, enjoy it!

Thank you for the good wishes! Tbh didn't feel much loneliness since I know few people here in Germany and also nearby countries. Getting adapted to a new country is a sweet experience. Enjoying it so far.

It is a very very long journey. Not trying to discourage you or anything but have you even had your first German winter?

It was already winter when I arrived. I've seen -5 degrees. Although my friend told me things can get colder, I think I've had a glimpse of how cold it can be.

Wish you all the best!

Interesting, what are the things that a Turk would need to adapt to?

  Not being able to bend the rules.
  Sorting rubbish. 
  The need to get 3 quotes before you get anyone to work on your house
  The fact that not everything is a conspiracy
  Foreigners sometimes prefer to finish work properly rather than fast - e.g. without leaving wires sticking out of the wall in a big shopping mall etc. 
  Non Turks aren't all accustomed to you going up and talking to their baby as a total stranger
  Not having toilets that squirt water on your bum like they do in Turkey.
You can live in a nearly complete Turkish bubble in the UK and Germany is probably even more like that.

This would be sad. Turkish food, for example, might sometimes be good but the world has a lot to offer and I've met a lot of Turks who won't try anything (Brits are probably slightly better on average but many are just as bad).

Things I learnt so far:

- Slowing down (Turkish people always in a rush)' - Saying 'NO' (we tend to say YES a lot eventhough we think it is a no situation, both in your real life and work life) - Every people I met, they already visited most of the countries in Europe, so they are travelling all world and met with different people from different cultures. Before I came Europe I only visited one country other than Turkey. It takes some time learn other cultures and how to behave... - Politics is stupid. - There are other problems than economy, middle east, religion etc. People are talking about sustanability, climate change, electronic cars etc.

There are other things but these are the ones come to my mind so far :)

About the last one, I remember being positively surprised by how little 'happens' in terms of news in Germany, compared to back in Turkey. Leaving that feeling of impending doom, as if something bad is waiting just around the corner, and most of your small talk now being about shitty weather or whatever.

Then COVID and Russia happened, and now the world is catching up in doom and gloom. :)

Yes indeed. Same in NL.

On the other hand, I find these attitudes hypocritical when it comes to war and Ukraine. As if suddenly, these people realized war is bad. Turkish people have been facing it since 2003, if we talk about terrorism we may have to go back even further.

The Syrian War was never discussed, but now everyone is talking about the Ukraine War, and no action is taken instead of painting big buildings yellow and blue.

Germany has the largest diaspora of Turkish people (~3M), so you wouldn't have to adapt much if you don't want to.

how many (and which) country did you go to ?

After I moved to NL, I have visited 9 different countries.

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