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Do you believe that Twitter and/or Facebook are not applying/working on "state of the art" moderation? I ask because I know first hand that they are. Further, I also know that when they do talk about how they are researching state of the art "AI based" moderation that the influencers who want no moderation at all come out of the woodwork to dog pile and invent conspiracies.

At this point I see no way for any social media company to talk about moderation (even legally mandated moderation) without getting dog piled. Note that even Musk is not advocating absolute free speech. In interviews about his attempt to purchase Twitter his frustration seems to be more about moderation being a black box not that moderation is not needed or wanted.

If you agree that AI driven moderation is "state of the art" and that moderation must be transparent and not a black box, how are you proposing that a company explain how transformers and hidden layers made a given moderation decision to the public when even the best PhDs can't really explain it to each other?

I believe they (Twitter etc) are working on moderation. I do not know if that is their core competency or if they want to be in the content moderation business. I was wondering if a 3rd party might provide content moderation as a service.

Transparency is very important. If you can’t explain your solution then maybe a simpler, but less accurate method is preferred. Maybe you could set some defaults but allow more user control. Maybe you could have humans in the decision making process, but still integrate with ML models for scale. I don’t know best solution, but offering content moderation as a service would shift some blame away from social media platform even if it was not better than what they were doing in-house.

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