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Based on the content of the article, seems obvious they're adding ads to a new lower tier / free tier plan. This is what most if not all competitors do. I don't see the big deal, it's not like they're going to inject ads into the current tiers.

> it's not like they're going to inject ads into the current tiers

They will have a "limited ads" tier to replace "no ads" within 5 years.

People that have extra disposable income to avoid ads are very valuable to advertisers.

If they do they are going to lose massively subscribers.

It may depend on how the whole ecosystem evolves: if the competition starts doing similar stuff, then you would have no alternative but to stick with one of them and accept the introduction of ads.

That's the funny thing about oligopoly, you know...

P2P doesn't have ads and doesn't look like it's going away.

The success of Netflix came as it was more convenient to use it than to download. If all streaming service are not seen as convenient everybody will be back to "old" download strategy.

You are in a bubble if you think the average netflix subscriber knows how to download using bittorrent or usenet.

And did those who knew and were inclined to pirate ever really stop?

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