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Well our chimp troupe has no dearth of mindlessly ambitious chimps, who end up in the positions of "power" and have no clue what to do after they land up there, given the complexities we face. So I just feel bad for them. It's like a trap that the naturally non ambitious can safely avoid.

So sure, seek out power and sit and appreciate all the routes to get it, but as the world gets more and more complex for our 6 inch chimp brains to handle, ppl in power are all pretty screwed whatever they do.

Are you talking about our society or chimps in the wild? To me it’s all just a mating strategy. Wealthy people aren’t smart from my experience, neither are ambitious people.

Why is that? I think that if you’re smarter you would sit and think about what power actually gets you. Outside of some random people trying to bother you every day and some extra mating, that’s it. You’re stuck with the same chimp/monkey mentality you started with only now you have the added bonus of having annoyed/being annoying.

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